Saturday, April 21, 2012

Week after Christmas - what & where?

My husband and I are planning a getaway - 12/26 - 1/1 and Eureka Springs is on the list of possible destinations. Assuming the weather is compliant, what to do and where to stay? We%26#39;d like to spend less than $100/night - as long as it isn%26#39;t the Super 8. LOL Something Holiday Inn express-type would be fine, or even a B%26amp;B. I%26#39;ve been to Eureka Springs but it was about 15 years ago (and in July *pant*) and I know things have changed. *s* I noticed in another post that Ermilio%26#39;s is still open - YAY!

Week after Christmas - what %26amp; where?

I live in Eureka. Holiday Inn Express is open. Cabins at Beaver lake would be nice. Grand Central Hotel should be open downtown. Good luck

Week after Christmas - what %26amp; where?

Many of the shops are closed at this time. You do have the option to walk around and see the area without the huge crowds that are ever present during the main tourist season.

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