Monday, April 23, 2012

Any Eureka Springs spa recommendations?

I%26#39;m looking forward to staying in Eureka Springs the last two weeks in October. During my stay, I hope to make two day spa visits. From what I%26#39;ve read, the New Moon Spa at the Crescent Hotel is supposed to be the best. Has anyone had extraordinarily good experiences at the New Moon or any other day spa in Eureka Springs? Also looking for recommended massage therapists by name at these spas.

Side question: Will the beautiful fall colors that Eureka Springs is famous for be taking place while I%26#39;m there?

Many thanks to whomever answers.

Any Eureka Springs spa recommendations?

My wife and I vacation in Eureka Springs 5 or 6 times a year minimum. It is a beautiful city with an incredible atmosphere. We have tried several of the massage therapy operations and have found one, Healing Benefits, that we now go too exclusively. They have a great staff and excellent accommodations. A couple’s room is available as well as private rooms. We have never been to the New Moon; it looks very nice and would probably be an excellent choice for spa treatment. I recommend staying at the Crescent; it has a rich history worth exploring. There is a wonderful ghost tour available that is spiritual/historical and no “boo” type shenanigans.

Depending on the weather you have an excellent chance at hitting the fall foliage.

Have a great trip.

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