Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Any good resturants open on Sundays????? Please say yes!

Are there any good resturants open in Hot Springs on Sunday afternoons? We are meeting some friends from out of state and promissed them some good food for lunch. I was surprised to find that Coy%26#39;s and McClards are not open for lunch on Sundays. Please tell me that we have options other than the chain resturants. HELP! We are meeting this Sunday so I need suggestions as soon as possible!

Any good resturants open on Sundays????? Please say yes!

Absolutely! The Brau Haus, the Brickhouse Grill, Rolando%26#39;s and Fisherman Wharf all great....and open on Sundays!

The Brau Haus features excellent German food, the Brickhouse Grill has much better steaks (and better price) than Coy%26#39;s, Rolando%26#39;s serves Nuevo Latino food which is very nice, and of course, Fisherman%26#39;s Wharf is always great.


Any good resturants open on Sundays????? Please say yes!

All the websites I have looked at say that the Brickhouse Grill is closed on Sundays. Do you know what time they open. I would like to stay with something more main stream, so that looks the best out of everything you listed. Anymore suggestions??

I just called the Brick House Grill for you...and yes they are open on Sundays from 5 p.m. to about 9 p.m.

Read original post.... they are looking for somewhere open FOR LUNCH on Sunday...

Good luck! Most locally owned, old place will not be open for lunch on Sunday if at all on Sunday. They make enough revenue without being open and this gives them time with family for church, etc.

I was merely responding to her comment that the Brick House Grill was closed on Sundays.

Fisherman%26#39;s Wharf is a great setting, right on the lake and they are open at 11 a.m. on Sunday.

Watch out, Fisherman%26#39;s Wharf on the lake is just another family style or chain fish house which is marginal to say the least..that%26#39;s my experience, I would not go there at all

This is too late to help Jennlynn who I think needed the info yesterday but to me the Arlington Sunday Brunch is one of the wildest experiences in the State. With live piano music, a spread that ranges from huge smoked salmons to custom made donuts, all in a grand old historic hotel, it is like nothing else in the State. I am getting hungry just thinking of it.

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