Saturday, April 21, 2012


2 years agowas our last visit.

This little zoo is very hard on anybody that has mobility problems..

Hills no matter how small will wear out guests with bad knees and

breathing problems.

Wheelchair rental: Old hard plastic, very uncomfortable chairs.

We MIGHT try it again next year and for improvements.


Here%26#39;s the Little Rock Zoo%26#39;s web site. Why don%26#39;t you share your problems with them?


The Little Rock Zoo is admittedly not in the same league as San Diego, St Louis, or similar institutions. However, just a few years ago this zoo faced certification problems and the community rose up and supported improvements which resulted in full certification. A new director, new board of overseers, and quite a lot of construction has occurred in the recent past and improvements continue. Some hope that possibly part of a golf course and former ball field may be eventually converted to zoo usage. As to the ';hills';...that%26#39;s just Little Rock. We are not Chicago and flatland is just not us. So don%26#39;t give up on the Little Rock Zoo, but Old CPA%26#39;s advice is very good. Let the head of the zoo know your disapointments and copy the new Mayor Mark Stodola. He has young kids and should understand the need for an improved zoo.

I haven%26#39;t been to the zoo in a number of years, but I%26#39;ve always loved it! Granted, I don%26#39;t (fortunately) have mobility problems, but I wonder what other communities do about this problem. I%26#39;m a bit of a zoo freak and have visited zoos all over the country, but don%26#39;t remember seeing wheelchair facilities.

Wolfsong328 - Have you been to other zoos that were more accommodating? If so, we%26#39;d love to know exactly where, and what services they offer.

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