Monday, April 23, 2012

Suggestions for things to do in Eurkea Springs

My husband and I are heading to Eureka Springs for the weekend of November 10th and I wanted to get some suggestions of things to do. We are very active and aren%26#39;t much for sitting around. We love to hike and do outdoorsie stuff but we also like to eat and go to shows, museuems etc. I see there is both a jamboree and a hoedown, anyone have information on either of these? Also any good hiking trails? I saw that there is some kind of cat (tigers etc.) rescue place. I would be interested in this if it isn%26#39;t depressing. We stopped at an animal rescue on the way back from Florida once and they animals were in these tiny cages, I was so depressed I cried for two hours, so I want to make sure it%26#39;s nothing like that. Any information ya%26#39;ll have would be great. Thank you,


Suggestions for things to do in Eurkea Springs

My personal favorites in Eureka are:

Thorncrown Chapel. Even if you are not religious, this gorgeous spot in the woods just out of town is one of America%26#39;s most famous pieces of architecture from the 20th Century. Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright protege Fay Jones, it sits quietly in the Ozarks woods open for public viewing.

Walking the historic district. This is what Eureka is about. Walk up and down and from one end to the other. Park in the Crescent Hotel area and just start walking in any direction. Take quiet little dead end streets, find hidden little parks, B%26amp;B%26#39;s and historic neighborhoods, walk downtown and explore the shops and talk to the people. Avoid the touristy stuff up on the main highway.

Suggestions for things to do in Eurkea Springs

If you are intrested in the paranormal, the crescent hotel ghost tour is wonderful! I managed to capture several ghost on my camera!

The Belle of the ozarks boat ride is well worth the money, but it is cold on the water, so bundle up!

We attended the hoedown this past summer and it was great! We talked to several people who had attended both the hoedown and the jamboree and all of them said the hoedown was by far the best of the two shows. Be sure to arrive in time to see the preshow --- it is superb! Peanut is one of the best comedians we%26#39;ve seen and the entire cast is very talented!

Thanks for all the information. We will definately do the ghost tour and the hoe down and spend some time walking through the historic district. I appreciate all the good advice. Anyone else have any recommendations they%26#39;d like to share.

If you research, a lot of hotels especially the Cresent offer guided hiking and cave diving tours. Ask around and I%26#39;m sure you will find one. Also At the North end of town there is the Natural Bridge and Pivot Rock, they are a little hard to find on the back roads, but just ask and someone will point you in the right direction. To the Bridge is a short hike. You picked a good weekend. It%26#39;s Porche-Palooza and Food and Wine weekend. Go to and Look at the calendar and you will find times and places for event. Where ever there is live music is usually a good time. The town alone is amazing. Good Luck!

My husband and I have been to Eureka Springs countless times and we really enjoy exploring all of the hidden trails, staircases and paths that wind all through the town. Go to the Chamber of Commerce, Visitor Center or a local bookstore and buy a book that shows all of these hidden walkways. Hours of excercise and a lot of fun exploring the town.

Thanks for all the great ideas. We are leaving Thursday and I%26#39;m excited.

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