Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm back... which State Park??

Okay my husband and I decided to stay at a State Park instead of any other type of campground. Mainly because we are bringing our baby with us and we will need access to good, clean running water and a clean bath house, and also because my parents are coming and are bringing their RV (mostly for the kids to hang out in), and some of the campgrounds I saw were either tent-only or Rv-only and we want to stay together - if not next to each other, at least at the same campground. So we have narrowed it down to 3 State Parks. I like Petit Jean (from what I%26#39;ve seen) because it seems to be very beautiful. Also, Devil%26#39;s Den looks interesting. And my husband likes Bull Shoals because it is near the White and Buffalo Rivers. He wants to stay on the Buffalo, but I don%26#39;t see any SPs that are ON the Buffalo, only some other campgrounds that don%26#39;t allow reservations. I hate to trek all the way up there and then have to go campground to campground looking for a place we can all stay. I am looking for natural beauty mostly, but also mountains, maybe some pretty streams or waterfalls too. And seclusion. When we go camping, we like to really relax and enjoy the scenery. We don%26#39;t really fish - I might cast a line every now and then, but probably not while we are there.

So... from people who have actually visited these 3, what do you think?? Is the Diamond Crater SP worth stopping at on our way up there?? It looks cool, and I think my daughter would like that.

And from the locals - what is the weather like around the first week in October? I know what the weather channel says, but I like to hear from locals. We are from Louisiana, and I know from experience that what the weather channel says and what it feels like outside can be two completely different things! I mean, would it still be warm enough for a dip in a stream or river? Or so chilly that we need to bring really good sleeping bags and some sweats? Or a mixture of both?

Thanks guys, you have been really helpful so far, and I will probably bug you to death before October! I am so excited about this trip - we haven%26#39;t been on a long camping trip in so long - and this is our first camping trip with the kids coming!


I'm back... which State Park??

hey again... about the weather in october, The air gets chilly at night, So it may be a little cool to swim, but it being arkansas you never know. Sometimes it%26#39;s warm all the way thru november..

And you might get a kick out of the diamond park, i went many years ago...It%26#39;s a big field of dirt that you dig thru, But it is kinda fun..who knows you might find the biggest one ever...

petit jean is a really beautiful state park, it has a water fall and it%26#39;s on a mountain..

There is a car museum there as well...

I%26#39;ve never been to devils den, so I can%26#39;t help you on that one..

and bull shoals is really a beautiful area, pettit jean is closer to lousiana than the buffalo river, I guess it would all depend on if you want to fish or not.

The diamond mine would be more in the direction of pettit jean state park, so it might be easier to choose it, if your going to the diamond mine...

you might even get a chance to check out hot springs arkansas while your so near by..

The whole city is called a national park..

There are a couple of really pretty lakes in the area of hot springs..

I would think that by october that the state parks would be fairly empty so you would get more peace and quiet.

I would bring at least a light jacket for the evenings, and short sleeves for the day time

Feel free to ask anything you want to know, I%26#39;ll try my best to help...

I'm back... which State Park??

If you want to stay on the Buffalo, Buffalo Point is a good option. It is the old State Park site and is now run by the National Park Service -

You can rent canoes there and take a leisurely and easy little paddle to Rush, an old Zinc mine and ghost town, where they will pick you up and shuttle you back. As Fordarama accurately states, the water will be a little cool for swimming in October but it will be outlandishly beautiful and hugely less crowded than before labor day.

As to Petit Jean, the camp grounds will be a little less crowded by October - in the summer it is very popular and camping sites are kind of close together. Petit Jean has lots of attractions and is usually a fun spot for the whole family.

Devil%26#39;s Den is less well known but is a favorite of those who have gone there. It is a great example of WPA construction from the 1930%26#39;s. There is not the diversity there which Petit Jean offers but it is more remote and will be beautiful that time of year.

Thanks for all the info. I think Arkansas will be one of those places we have to vacation to more than once in order to see all we want to see. I never thought of vacationing in Arkansas before - you know, usually you think of the ';hotspots'; - Florida, NY, etc... but we like to keep it simple and camp. I think Arkansas will definately be a more than one-time trip. I%26#39;m going to keep looking and keep in mind what you said. It will soon be time to put it all in stone when my husband takes his vacation time - I am so excited I can hardly wait!



Consider Mount Magazine State Park for your stay in Arkansas. It%26#39;s located on the state%26#39;s highest mountain and has a brand new lodge and restaurant along with several campgrounds. In addition the route from Little Rock to the park is one of Arkansas%26#39; most beautiful. Here%26#39;s the web site:

Mount Magazine looks beautiful. We may do a day trip there, but I think we are really looking at Petit Jean and Devil%26#39;s Den - still undecided! I am also looking at the other one someone mentioned... the one that used to be a state park but is now run by the feds?

I think whatever we decide now, I am looking to take my hubby for a getaway later WITHOUT the kids and parents, maybe Devil%26#39;s Den will be our choice for that, in a cabin.

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