Sunday, April 15, 2012


We plan on spending a day in Eureka Springs this May. We%26#39;ll be coming in from MO Hwy. 86W to AK 23 So. to Eureka. Where would be a good place to park and start walking? Any advice you can give me would be appreciated. Also, any good restaurants for lunch, and any activities or shops we shouldn%26#39;t miss seeing?


you are only spending the day? probably parking in one of the lots in the downtown area would be the best bet - that would put you within walking distance of just about everything in the downtown area. i think the most expensive parking is $5 for the day.

maps of the area are available in most shops, restaurants, convenience stores, etc. grab one of the visitors guides too. they have great info in them.

Local Flavor is a great restaurant for lunch, as is Mud Street Cafe. If you%26#39;re there for an evening meal, Ermilio%26#39;s (up the hill on the historic loop) is GREAT italian.

Shopping is my favorite thing to do in Eureka...on *my* list of never-miss is Wild Blue Yonder, Christophers, Annies, Zarks, Delphia Dreams, Crazy Bone.....Eureka is filled with unique and funky little shops.

Enjoy your day in Eureka!!


Thanks Ilovemyreka. We%26#39;re actually spending the week of May 22nd in Branson, but Eureka Springs sounded like a neat town so plan on spending Wednesday there. Thanks for the restaurant tips. Have you taken the trolley ride around the Historic Loop? I thought we would do that first, then start exploring. The shopping sounds great, heck; the whole town sounds great!!

I will tell you this, for sure and certain: one day in Eureka is SOOO not enough!! You will wish that you had planned an overnight stay at least ONE night! (preferably more)Everyone always does!!

Yes, the trolley system is great - and it%26#39;s a great way to familiarize yourself with the area. The trolley station is in the lower part of the downtown area, and you can hop on there and see the entire loop...its a fascinating area. as many years as we have been visiting Eureka, we still love to grab a trolley and just ride around and enjoy the architecture and the uniqueness of that little paradise. There are lots of stops along the trolley that covers the historic loop so you can get on and off at your pleasure, and another trolley will come by in just a few minutes.

Wear comfortable shoes...Eureka is a great town for walking!

May is Arts Festival month, which is a great time in Eureka. We do a trip there every year in May and will actually be leaving the Monday before you arrive. It%26#39;s a GREAT time of year to visit! The temperatures are always mild, everything is blooming - it%26#39;s just lovely!!

Ilovemyreka, you are probably right about one day not being enough time, but we only have 5 days this year. We%26#39;re only 8 hours away, so maybe we%26#39;ll make it back again in the fall, or possible again next May. I discovered Eureka Springs after I had made my Branson reservations. Anyway, I%26#39;m really excited about our trip. I love to travel, especially to places I haven%26#39;t been.

You will absolutely have a wonderful time in those five days! NW Arkasans/SW Mo is a beautiful part of the country!

Enjoy your time in Eureka Springs - and coming back in the fall is a GREAT idea! The colors are unbelievable!!!

wanderlo: Do yourself a favor and take a quick look at Thorncrown Chapel, one of the 20th Century%26#39;s most famous works of architecture, on the outskirts of Eureka Springs and a short walk from the highway back in the woods. It once graced the cover of Time Magazine and won every award buildings might receive. Unlike other Eureka religious events, Thorncrown is non-denominational and anyone regardless of beliefs can have a unique artistic and possibly spiritual experience here.

jimjade3, thanks for the tip about Thorncrown Chapel.

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