Sunday, April 15, 2012

Arkansas in October??

My husband and I are going camping in Arkansas with our kids this year (you may have seen my last post); however, we have decided that we have too much to do around the house to go in July, so we are going to go the first week, or the second week, in October. I think it will be cooler and the kids will enjoy it more as well.

Are there any big things that we should look for in October? We are headed towards the Buffalo National River, but we have information on all of the Ozark National Forest, as well as other places in the area. We are having a very hard time making up our mind where exactly to settle!

Thanks for any info!


Arkansas in October??

Arkansas is beautiful in october, leaves should be turning, and it should have warm days with coolish nights.

You will be glad you chose october over july. being from lousiana you should know how bad the heat and humdity can be in the south in july.

We went to an air show last october and was hot and got a sunburn.

make sure to use sunscreen even in october.

Arkansas in October??

Yes, the heat was a big part in picking October. I took my Girl Scout troop camping here in Louisiana last weekend and we just about passed out from the heat already. I hope the leaves are turning, I hear that it can depend on a lot of factors, but here in Louisiana, the only leaves that we get to see turn are the ';Chicken Trees'; - ha! We don%26#39;t get that beautiful change of seasons - we have 2 seasons down here - Mosquito season and hurricane season.

Thanks for all your info, I%26#39;ve been reading your posts on other topics and taking into consideration alot of places you%26#39;ve recommended.


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