Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dogs in Hot Springs

Can anyone please suggest a place to stay in/near Hot Springs that allows large quiet dogs for this weekend? Thanks!

Dogs in Hot Springs

Hi there, did you ever get a reply or find out a place for your dog dilemma? I too am thinking of spending the night in HS on my way back from Eureka Springs next week and am looking for the same thing as you are.

Dogs in Hot Springs

try swan spa they have cottages that you can bring your animals but there is a 25.00 per day fee goodluck molly

Park Hotel of Hot Springs 211 Fountain Street. There is a fee.

try the happy hollow motel on 231 fountain street, they allow pets, and are really suppose to be a clean place to stay. check out the reviews on here.

Park Hotel of Hot Springs

Near the Grand Promenade on Fountain Street

They are very good to pets. My Pet has a VIP (very important Pet) card from them. Apparantly if the doggie is very good, he gets to stay the next time free. They will not allow Pit Bulls though.

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