Thursday, April 12, 2012

Camping in september

Are there any good campgrounds for tent camping near Magic springs theme park that is not too commercial? By not too commercial I mean a place that is secluded adn full of nature, not a place where I will get woke up at 7 am by kids screaming on either side of my tent, a place we can go hiking, fishing, biking, see wildlife.

ALSO We love nature but we love to be clean too so a bath house is a MUST! Electricty doesnt matter but a water supply is very important.

What the weather like for camping in september?

Sorry for all the questions but as a camper these are things I really need to know.

Thanks for your help guys.

Camping in september

I know a camp ground that is realy small . and near hot springs, here%26#39;s the link..

Camping in september

are their others? this one looks kinda iffy.

Lake Catherine state park, is it nice to tent camp? is it close to magic springs and teh national park stuff and other attractions?

Well, lake catherine is kinda far from magic springs, I%26#39;ll keep looking for you.

My experience in camping in Arkansas%26#39;s public campsites is that you are subject to loud music and other campers%26#39; noise at even the most remote forest service camps. Rangers will assist in some cases. About the only way to make certain you avoid noise is to backpack in one of the trails or canoe down a river and camp on the banks. That said, one very close public campsite to Magic Springs is Gulpha Gorge in Hot Springs National Park (5 minutes away).

It%26#39;s pretty there but I do not believe you can reserve a site in advance.

Lake Ouachita State Park and Lake Catherine State Park are both well run parks but are on the other sides of Hot Springs from Magic Springs. They have mostly very developed camp sites but we have set up tents there. The State staffs will normally not tolerate rude campers. Lake Ouachita is generally considered the more attractve lake and Lake Catherine has some really nice rustic cabins for rent.

Another possibility for public campsites would be the Forest Service which has some remote sites in the Ouachita Mountains. Some do not allow RV%26#39;s and are less traveled. These are west of Hot Springs and even longer drives from Magic Springs...but some are very interesting. You could call the ranger station at Caddo District 870-356-4186 or wade through the website at

Also by September there are lot less people camping in the parks, So that%26#39;s also something to consider..Schools back in by then , which cuts into the amount of campers.

^ I didnt think about that. Thats a great thing. Maybe we might just settle for teh KOA since its very close to Magic Springs and the National Park and maybee since shools in the tent site will be less crowded. Is the koa there nice? I know it wont be the nature escape we wanted but it would be a good comprimise I think if it is well taken care of and not too far from a daily nature retreat.

I%26#39;d go with Gulpha Gorge which is very pretty as opposed to the KOA. And it is still VERY close to Magic Springs.

do you have any info on gulpha george?

Gulpha George has no showers!!!

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