Friday, March 23, 2012

Plans for growth in Little Rock?

We are considering moving to Little Rock and have been searching for information that indicates population growth. For example, we cannot find information that shows us that the future improvements are planned in order to stimulate downtown revival. Do you know where we can find this information or can you give us reasons why moving to downtown Little Rock is a good investment in our future?

Plans for growth in Little Rock?

Here%26#39;s a web site with statistical data on Little Rock.

Another web site to look at is Moses/Tucker developers. This firm is heavily involved in major projects in downtown.

Of course the best way to judge our town is to pay us a visit.

Plans for growth in Little Rock?

Here are my comments based on personal experience and observations, not statistics:

High points of Little Rock and hopes for the future:

1. Strong commitment to downtown redevelopment. Dramatic turn of events in last decade, anchored by Clinton Library and advanced by riverfront park, river market restoration, Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, great restaurants, living loft building conversions,

new residential development and excellent museums, AR Arts Center, AR Rep Theater, etc. .

2. University of Arkansas Medical Center. Infusion of funds from the Waltons and others has lured amazing staff from all over the world to man the Center, and the community is much better off as result.

3. Progressive mayor with newly voted powers to make change. Expect great things from Mark Stodola. Old ways of running City by committee is over.

4. Committment to recreation along riverfront. 14 miles of bike trail along the river loop, anchored by new ';Bigdambridge'; the longest pedestrian/bicycle bridge ever constructed for that purpose).

5. Ease of living. Visitors joke about our rush hours, are bug-eyed at moderate housing prices, and appreciate the beauty of four distinct seasons of the year. There is easy access to ';the natural state'; - you can leave the city and can be climbing Pinnacle Mountan in 15 minutes, or paddling the gorgeous Buffalo River in a couple hours.

Challenges of Little Rock

1. Arkansas has never been a leader in education. Hopes are with a solid eduation-serious new Governor. Central High does well in comparative studies.

2. There have been few successes in establishing a vibrant high-tech job market. Local giants Alltel and Axiom have been sold. Hope are for their continued location here.

3. Lots more downtown restoration to happen and much work to be done in housing rehab, especially in the Central High area. This is a challenge for us all.

Thank you both for your responses. We have recently visited and Little Rock seemed to fit us fact we%26#39;re already negotiating a home purchase. Your thoughts and response are very helpful in shaping our expectations. Thank you

Rivermarket and downtown is being revitalized...

The university, UALR (University of Arkansas at Little Rock), is working to revitalize its surrounding area with a gateway to the university, remodeled homes, district banners, parks on campus, new facilities, etc... it will be called university district.

Information can be found at

There is of course the heights... homes with character are being torn down and modern, ugly pieces of #%26amp;*% are taking over.

Don%26#39;t forget to sell your shoes before you move to Arkansas ; =)

Thanks for that info, both on the university region and your thoughts on the Heights. Glad I%26#39;m on my way to downtown.

But why must I ';sell my shoes'; before I get to Arkansas?

another wonderful southern hillbilly joke. find my shoes to be quite handy. the eggs frying on the sidewalk in the summer are a little slippery. we are a very good state to find decent housing prices. hope your moving goes well. and as others have mentioned, much renovation and new things to do being added all the time. When you start looking around for things to do, I suggest the book ';Arkansas: Off the Beaten Path'; by Patti Delano. very good book. of course, this site is really great as well.

Ha! Got it. We%26#39;re from Miami so I%26#39;m hoping the heat is easy for us to take. Thanks again....see you in Little Rock next year.

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