Saturday, March 24, 2012

Capital Hotel

I%26#39;m not sure if it%26#39;s appropriate to do this, but I was lucky enough to get a preview tour of Little Rock%26#39;s 130 year-old Capital Hotel which has been closed for a year for renovations and additions, and I wanted to mention it. It was explained to me that the owners, one of Arkansas%26#39;s wealthiest families, hope for the finest small hotel between the two coasts. It is quite amazing what they have done. I have no idea what the rates will be or how the management will treat the guests, but as far as a physical plant, it will be hard to beat. The historic lobby will be essentially the same though upgraded in every way, if that makes sense.... arches, columns, stained glass etc. The bar and restaurant will be in the same locations as they were and likewise upgraded. The number of guestrooms has been cut from 120 or so down to 80 or 90, with walls between rooms removed to produce some immense spaces. Baths have all been upgraded with some in marble with separate glass shower enclosures and double sinks. A few rooms remain small due to structural constraints. The amazing changes are those the public will never see. No expense was spared in the kitchens which number 5 or 6 or wherever a party room is located. The main kitchen behind Ashley%26#39;s restaurant has a central bank of stoves which are burgundy in color and trimmed in brass. A wine cellar which can be rented for dinner parties is off the kitchen. There are two large new party/conference rooms facing the front of the building in the front corners, each with full stainless steel kitchens. The talk of the place will be a small ballroom which is designed as an outdoor room without real windows. It has intricate latticework on walls and parts of the ceiling. The furnishings and wall finishes are understated, non-flashy but look expensive, if that makes sense. I have no vested interest in this property but wanted to let everyone know that the hospitality scene in Little Rock will soon have a whole new dimension.

Capital Hotel

jimjade3, thanks for the heads-up. I%26#39;ve been wondering when they%26#39;d be ready to reopen. I%26#39;ve always been sort of fond of the Capital. When I was in college at Hendrix, my girlfriend and I would sometimes put on what we thought of as fancy duds, drive down to LR, and go hang out in the Capital Hotel bar for a few hours pretending to be sophisticated. I took a look at their web site a while back and it looked impressive, but that%26#39;s easy to do on a web site.

Capital Hotel

I understand the rooms will start in the $220 range and increase...

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