Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Honeymoon ideas!!

My neice is getting married in early October and I%26#39;m helping her plan a quick honeymoon (Sunday-Wednesday). They are considering Hot Springs since it is not too far away from East Texas (where they are getting married). I%26#39;d love some ideas for an itenerary. They say they would enjoy some spa treatments, sight seeing, good food and other relaxing activities. Can any of you help? Thanks!

Honeymoon ideas!!

EmilyinAustin, that%26#39;s a good time of year to come here. should be cooling down temperature wise. have only been to Hot Springs a few times. I enjoyed Garvan Woodland Gardens. It%26#39;s a very beautiful botanical area, very relaxing place to walk around. There is a %26#39;ride the ducks%26#39; city tour. Here%26#39;s some websites that may help: - do a search for hot springs - click on Ouachita region of state map

There are several mini-golf places if they are interested.

Honeymoon ideas!!

A nice stay on Lake Ouachita at say, Mountain Harbor resort would be nice- quiet and scenic, and they could drive into hot springs for a bath at the buckstaff.. rent a boat on Ouachita for the day...

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