Friday, March 30, 2012

Magtown needs a new facelift!!!!!!!

Well I%26#39;m very familiar with Magnolia because I%26#39;m from there. I moved away 5 years ago. But I do go back to visit because my family is there. Really and truly it needs a facelift , their is really nothing to do around there especially for the kids. They really need to bring more business in and more jobs. Also they need like a YMCA or a BallyFitness center.Every time I go back home the neighborhoods look really run down now. It is time to cleanup!!!!!!!! The Blossom Fest its ok , but not worth to drive that far for me.(6 in half hours) NO.

Magtown needs a new facelift!!!!!!!

Magnolia has a new fitness center, plus we are about to build a new hospital. Add 2 new restaurants, plus our library is about to expand. The SAU campus is absolutely beautiful. More jobs are coming thanks to something in the works. Our Blossom Festival has been featured 2 times now on the Food network. Magnolia is optimistic and ready for growth. Yes, houses do age, and the population is shifting to another side of town, but we have 3 blossoming subdivisions that are absolutely gorgeous.

Since you are from here, please talk us up! =) Growth just takes money.

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