Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wanting to bring my dog- where to stay?

My husband and I are wanting to take a short trip to ES this week and we would like to bring our dog with us. He is a well behaved and crate trained (we will be bringing his crate) shepherd mix. We%26#39;d love to stay somewhere that will be convenient for us to spend an afternoon perusing the shops (either quick car ride or trolley stops), see the Passion Play, and perhaps have an afternoon for some fun on the water. We prefer to prepare our own meals so somewhere with a kitchen/kitchenette and/or gril would be great. Any suggestions???

Thanks in advance.

Wanting to bring my dog- where to stay?

I am sure there are more options BUT the first place that comes to mind is

Marcia is the sweetest host and I am sure she can accomodate you,yours and your shepard mix-There are several townhouses and cottages that are located along spring street that you may like...

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