Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fountain Motel

When we were in town last month we noticed this motel and it%26#39;s cottage styled rooms and thought it looked so neat. I have searched and searched but cant find a website for this place. Has anyone ever stayed here that may have pics to share of the rooms? Or does anyone know of a website? any help at all is appreciated.


Fountain Motel

I hope my facts are correct and I welcome anyone correcting me, but to the best of my recollection there was a tragic and fatal accident at the Fountain during the last year where a heater malfunctioned. I am pretty sure the motel closed down for an extended period but don%26#39;t know if it has reopened. It has been one of the most picturesque old motels in Hot Springs, with little porthole windows in the doors and white clean modern lines. I%26#39;ll try to find out more.

Fountain Motel

I found a phone number for the Fountain Motel at 1622 Central Avenue, 501-624-1262 but got no answer.

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