Saturday, March 24, 2012

Best Travel Route to Little Rock?

We are considering taking Highway 67 from Poplar Bluff Mo to Little Rock next month to avoid heavy truck traffic on I55 and I40 around Memphis. Is this a bad idea? We will be driving southbound on I 57 to I 55 and thinking about alternative routes to Little Rock. If anyone has a suggestion, we would appreciate it. Thanks.

Best Travel Route to Little Rock?

I think you have a good idea. I-40 from Memphis to Little Rock has become extremly unpleasant for the reason you gave. If you use Google Maps for directions between Popular Bluff and Little Rock it will route you on US 67. This will be a more interesting route and about half of the Arkansas leg is controlled access.

Best Travel Route to Little Rock?

Thank you so much for your input. The travel time may be slightly longer, but more enjoyable. Is there a %26#39;not to miss%26#39; attraction or dining option along the way?

Ditton on the route from Poplar Bluff to Little Rock rather the the expressways. MY wife likes it the best. Sights between Poplar Bluff and Little Rock? A bit out of the way, but if you by chance are a Hemmingway buff, he and one of his wives Pauline Pfeiffer lived for a while in Piggott Arkansas at her family home where (I think) he wrote Farewell to Arms. The home has been restored and they have an interesting guided tour. A unique experience, but you would have to like Papa enough to alter your route over to Piggott, and you would lose time you gained by not taking the expressways.

Sorry for typo - meant ';ditto'; instead of ditton on previous message.

Thank you for your recommendation on taking US 67 to Little Rock. I believe we will do this to avoid truck traffic and experience more of the countryside. The Hemmingway attraction sounds interesting as we have been to his home in Key West. Should time permit, we will visit his home in Piggott. It%26#39;s always fun to see a bit of the history of the area in which we are traveling. Thank you again for your advice.

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